Laundry Prewashes #2

As it happens, there are four different types of prewashes on the market. Well, three actually if you read what’s on the side of the packaging.

I’m not making any sense, am I? Well, read on and all will be explained.

The first type of laundry prewash are those that are simply water with a bit of soap and fragrance and snazzy packaging. The idea behind these is that you buy the product because the packaging looks so snazzy, and when you spray it on your clothes, you see a bit of foam, smell a pleasant fragrance, and conclude that the product will probably work.

Often, these products to appear to work, but usually only because you have used a premium detergent that has done all the work. If this is not the case, generally you will shrug your shoulders and say “oh well, this type of stain is difficult to remove anyway.”

And, of course, this is pure marketing. Much more work goes into designing the packaging, and selecting the wording to go on to it then goes into the chemical formulation. And this is only possible because we no longer have the “great unstainer” – Preen (the original solvent-based formula).

So will which brands fall into this category? Well, let’s do it this way – rather than embarrass anyone by naming names, in future posts I will name the ones that do work because they have formulas that contain specialised cleaning reagents, and then you can just subtract these from the list that I gave in the previous post, and the ones that are left over are the culprits.

More tomorrow.

10490cookie-checkLaundry Prewashes #2

2 thoughts on “Laundry Prewashes #2

  1. Air, air, and more air will work eventually. The only chemical solution that might work is an alkaline salt degreaser from a hardware store. Look for “alkaline salts” somewhere on the label. Use it as a prewash. Spray it on, wait at least 15 minutes, then wash normally.

  2. Hi
    I recently bought some fabric from an old lady I knew who no longer sews however she had moth ball / napthalene blocks in with the fabric.
    I have washed the fabric a few times with soap powder, vinegar and borax, although the smell seems to be absent when I smell it on the washing line the smell returns once the fabric has been inside. I would love to make my grandchildren some dresses with the fabric but I have heard napthalene is dangerous to children. Is there any way I can eliminate the smell permanently.
    M<any Thanks Eileen

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