I have an old wooden printer’s tray, the sort used to sort type, divided into small partitions, E’s in one, T’s in another etc. It has borers, as evident from the small holes, and they are active, as evident from the fresh sawdust coming from the holes. How can I kill them? Some advice I’ve found says to immerse the tray in various chemicals, but I looked for plastic boxes and trays at Bunnings but could find nothing large enough to fit it into; and neither could I find the chemicals; and nor could Bunnings advise me.
349300cookie-checkBorers in old wooden printer’s tray
The only thing I could think of is metho. Squirt it everywhere. The alternative is Coopex (from Bunnings). It’s a powdered insecticide that you make up into water. But I’m not sure whether you want water on the unit. Or you could try dissolving the Coopex in metho – it might work, Then you have the best of both worlds