Is Glen 20 safe to breathe

Is Glen 20 safe to breathe

Hello, I have a work collegue who sprays Glen 20 all around the office daily to ‘disinfect’ the office. I think as it smells so strongly that is can’t possibly be good for you. Can you tell me if there are any harmful chemicals in it? We don’t have access to fresh air in our building, and it is air-conditioned 24/7.
Thank you

202028cookie-checkIs Glen 20 safe to breathe

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It doesn’t just contain ethanol. It contains gases and is harmful to ingest or touch.

Dr Chemical

Yes it is safe to use in food preparation areas. If you get it on a sensitive part of your skin it may sting a bit. That’s because of the alcohol in it. Just the same as if you cut yourself and the wound is wiped with a sterile (alcohol) swab


What if your Brother sister sprays it on toilet paper and you wip yourself with toilet paper without knowing they did that and it starts burning is that bad




Is Glen 20 safe for use on surfaces used for food-preparation?

Dr Chemical

No, it doesn’t. It’s comprised only of alcohol and water. If it contained anything that was potentially toxic, they wouldn’t be allowed to sell it.


I had a severe anaphylactic reaction to it, where my throat partially closed over for nearly 24 hours. It contains essential oils that can be harmful to pets and young children, and people with chemical sensitivities and respiratory issues.

Mariola Zysk
Mariola Zysk

If you have sinus infections is ok to spray the office with Glen 20

Dr Chemical

No. It only contains alcohol. If it contained anything toxic, they simply wouldn’t be allowed to sell it


hi i was in my bathroom and i was spraying the toilet but i accidently ingested some of the glen 20 spray disinfectant is that a problem