During renovations the floor sander placed his jarrah stained hand on the natural kitchen bench top…how do we remove the stain. It’s a red colour and bench top is grey concrete look
285500cookie-checkJarrah oil stain off natural stone bench top
Chemistry in the real world
During renovations the floor sander placed his jarrah stained hand on the natural kitchen bench top…how do we remove the stain. It’s a red colour and bench top is grey concrete look
Yes, the biggest question is what is the actual surface – it’s it’s porous it’s more difficult
If it’s sitting on top, it’ll wipe off with turps. If it has soaked in, try oven cleaner. That should desorb it
Oven cleaner might help?
Sorry, just saw the title say stone… what kind of stone?
What do you mean by “natural” bench top? Natural stone? What stone? Natural wood? What wood?