Laundry Wash Balls using ceramic beads

I am wondering if you could advise on Laundry wash balls. They are Eco friendly basically plastic balls with ceramic beads inside and are replacements from using detergent, lasting 1000 washes.
Ceramic beads inside the balls are different colours and generally are promoted to be Alkaline, Anti-Bacterial, Far infrared ray and TM ceramics.
I have friends who have purchased similar balls and say they work .
Is it plausible?

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According to this report they only work when used with specific purpose made machines…


Sounds like BS to me… You might like to ask yourself (and them)…
“each comprising a combination of different minerals”
What minerals?

“When these ceramic beads are submerged into water, the molecular structure of H2O is altered
Exactly how is the water molecules ‘altered’ –
“This process is unstable and constantly goes through a series of alterations every fraction of a second. ”
Exactly what ‘alterations’ do you speak of?

“During this process, it emits far-infrared rays and negative ions, raises the pH, reduces the water molecule clusters into smaller clusters and removes the water surface tension. ”
How on earth does it emit electromagnetic radiation? What is a ‘water molecule cluster’?

“It’s through this process that the ceramics contained in the laundry ball activate the water so that the water can penetrate deep into the fibres, open them and remove the dirt in the same way the water does when activated by the chemicals in detergent.”
How does water become ‘activated’? What makes you think water couldn’t penetrate deep into the fibres in the first place? Since when has water ever been ‘activated’ by ‘chemicals in detergents’?

“The Laundry Ball therefore activates this water in a very similar manner to the chemicals in the detergent except at a molecular level rather than with chemicals.”
There’s that water activation thing again. There’s no such thing as water activation (except in the movies).

Save your money and by a good detergent that is based on science and research rather than a sales pitch I say!


I have copied information from a web site selling the balls. The link provided had nothing to do with my question these are for the home laundry.
The Laundry Ball contains three different kinds of ceramic beads, each comprising a combination of different minerals. When these ceramic beads are submerged into water, the molecular structure of H2O is altered. This process is unstable and constantly goes through a series of alterations every fraction of a second. During this process, it emits far-infrared rays and negative ions, raises the pH, reduces the water molecule clusters into smaller clusters and removes the water surface tension. It’s through this process that the ceramics contained in the laundry ball activate the water so that the water can penetrate deep into the fibres, open them and remove the dirt in the same way the water does when activated by the chemicals in detergent. The Laundry Ball therefore activates this water in a very similar manner to the chemicals in the detergent except at a molecular level rather than with chemicals.