I have a queen sized mattress and I recently tried to remove stains with pure bleach…obviously did nothing so now I have bleach stains as well as bleach smell. I tried 3 methods….I’ve steam cleaned it, sprinkled bi carb soda and left it over night before vacuuming it and today I wiped over it with undiluted vinegar..all this over a 2 week period….what do you recommend
274200cookie-checkRemoving the smell of bleach from a mattress
This is not as straightforward as it may seem. When you say that you have a bleach smell, you actually have the smell of chloramines. Chloramines are what you smell when you go to an indoor pool and think you are smelling “chlorine.” Bleach is almost odourless.
As any pool technician knows, the answer to chloramine smells is to oxidise it further. It’s called “shocking” the system. One approach is to dose it with even more bleach – this oxidises the chloramines all the way through to nitrogen and salt.
But I wouildn’t tip more bleach onto your mattress. Get some Preen OxyAction laundry prewash. Squirt it on and leave it. It might need a few more applications. Hopefully that’s a strong enough oxidiser to oxidise the chloramines